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Get the answer to: You will be


You will be

You will be keeping a thinking journal this semester and I will provide you with comments to you move through some of the stages of becoming a better critical thinker (we’re shooting for stage 4 from the article). All my comments for you will be coming at you from stages 4 and 5, although we all have our moments of brilliance, I have yet to meet a Master (although I’ve met many people who say they are!) For this assignment you will reflect on all of the 9 sections each for each module You will post all 9 of the section complete on the Sunday at the end of this module but you have surely recognized that you cannot do all of these in one day so you should plan your time wisely and do them as they arise during the module period.  For example, if you hear a political argument on T.V. that you think is B.S. write it down and do the critique right then, save it and that becomes one of the 2 you need for the journal this module. To you with this in the first module there will be 2 due dates so you can post a few assignments half way through and get some feedback. You’ll notice the second due date on the assignment below in the module and you should have the rest done by then. at anytime you can message me any part of this journal assignment and ask for feedback.

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