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Get the answer to: : Question 26 (1 point) Saved An article in the Wall Street ...


: Question 26 (1 point) Saved An article in the Wall Street Journal recently discussed the market for gasoline in the United States during the

: Question 26 (1 point) Saved An article in the Wall Street Journal recently discussed the market for gasoline in the United States during the summer of 2013. Compared with the previous summer (2012). the article stated that there will be “growth in production from hydraulic fracturing of shale deposits in the U.S.” The demand and supply graph below shows the market for gasoline in summer 2012. Use this graph to analyze the situation described in this article for the summer of 2013. How will this affect the figure for 2013 S2012 P. Sper Gallon P2012 D2012 Q. Quantity of Gasoline Q2012 The demand curve will shift right. The supply curve will shift left. The demand curve will shift left. The supply curve will shift right.

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