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Get the answer to: : John Miller, was hospitalized a month ago for a left subdu...


: John Miller, was hospitalized a month ago for a left subdural hematoma. He underwent a neurosurgical procedure to drain the blood and recovered well

demonstrated a left subdural hematoma and requires admission to hospital. He has been transferred to the 6A – Neurology Unit and you have been assigned to s care. You arrive to s room and assist the porters in transferring m from the stretcher to bed.

: John Miller, was hospitalized a month ago for a left subdural hematoma. He underwent a neurosurgical procedure to drain the blood and recovered well with no complications and no residual neurological deficits. He has come back to the hospital emergency department complaining of episodes of headaches and dizziness. A 57 year old male (John Miller) presents to the ED via ambulance after sustaining a fall and head injury down a flight of 12 stairs. He presents to triage with a laceration to s forehead and guarding s left shoulder with a possible fracture. At triage is it noted that nurse he is confused to place and time. He was only opening s eyes when the nurse asked m to. He had power to all limbs. s pupils were equal, round and reactive. s blood pressure was slightly elevated, otherwise vital signs were witn normal limits. The Emergency physician ordered a CT scan of the head for John. The scan results demonstrated a left subdural hematoma and requires admission to hospital. He has been transferred to the 6A – Neurology Unit and you have been assigned to s care. You arrive to s room and assist the porters in transferring m from the stretcher to bed.

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