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Get the answer to: • include archaeology as a significant theme • include a...


• include archaeology as a significant theme • include an archaeologist as a main character • be fictional, and not factual (not, for example, a

why not? *What is your opinion of the creator’s knowledge of scientific archaeology? Why? 7) Proper grammar and spelling……………………………………………………………… [10 points] (An entry with no errors will get all 10 points, wle each error will cost 1 point up to a maximum of 10 points.)

• include archaeology as a significant theme • include an archaeologist as a main character • be fictional, and not factual (not, for example, a documentary) Films with lots of archaeology: etc. Films with some archaeology: etc. Books: (llerman), (Christie), (Michener), (Connor), (Peter), etc. ( sources that are simply about the past or prestory, like the film , as those have facts to critique but not archaeology to critique. 1) The title of the work……………………………………………………………………………. [2 points] 2) The approximate year in wch it is set ( today or 1920s)…………………….. [2 points] 3) A BRIEF description of the archaeologist character(s)……………………………… [4 points] 4) A BRIEF description of the plot……………………………………………………………. [4 points] (I recommend you limit your discussion of the first 4 items to one page or less, in order to make your critique at least a page long.) 5) Your opinion on how ts work affects the public perception of archaeology and looting, if ts is helpful for modern archaeology, and why…………………………………………… [6 points] 6) Other critique information, such as:…………………………………………………….. [12 points] *Was the archaeology at all realistic? *What, if anytng, was performed as scientific archaeologists actually do it? *Were fieldwork or labwork performed?  Were they accurately depicted?  How so? *Was the archaeological work etcal?  Why or why not? *What is your opinion of the creator’s knowledge of scientific archaeology?  Why? 7) Proper grammar and spelling……………………………………………………………… [10 points] (An entry with no errors will get all 10 points, wle each error will cost 1 point up to a maximum of 10 points.)

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