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Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner You are required to submit a written assignment which details your understanding of health and safety in the

Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner You are required to submit a written assignment which details your understanding of health and safety in the Healthcare/Social Care workplace and include a health and safety audit. You should use the following criteria to complete the assignment: Review the policies and procedures in relation to health and safety that are in the health care workplace, pay particular attention to the following: ·      Employers and employee duties in relation to the legislation -Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act 2005. ·      Emergency planning & reporting procedures-how are the emergency procedures documented, what reporting procedures are in place for accidents and incidents in the Healthcare setting. ·      Policies in relation to safe working environments (Healthcare) You should carry out an analysis of your Healthcare workplace safety statement-what are the elements and functions of the safety statement

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